August 16th, 2021

This meeting, we had PT Testing, headed by C/2d Lt Menk, where, to my knowledge, everybody passed with acclaim. Afterwards, C/TSgt Waters taught an aerospace class centered on making a new type of circular winged aircraft out of cardstock. He then led the class outside to have a flying contest, focusing on distance, turns, and barrel rolls. After this, we did some drill practice and testing for C/SrA Ybarra, C/SrA Bateman, and C/SrA Hipp who, during the course of the meeting, had taken and passed their Wright Brothers Milestone Leadership Tests. During this time, C/1st Lt Britten attempted her Earhart Milestone Leadership Test, passing it 15 minutes later. Overall, this was a very fun and progressive meeting.

— C/2d Lt Hayden Bateman

Updated: September 18, 2021 — 15:33