19 March 2020

Saint Croix Squadron did their trial run of their adjusted schedule last Thursday.  A couple highlighted differences are as follows… Saint Croix is using the streaming service named Zoom.  This allows the cadets to stream all classes very close to normal CAP regulations.  Another feature is that cadets and seniors can come together for commander’s call and then split into their own meetings.  Cadet Captain Ekstrand has also started a testing and recruiting incentive for the cadets. Cadets earn points by doing tests, promoting, and recruiting other people.  If the cadets reach 50 points as a squadron by May 11th, they earn a pizza party when the pandemic subsidies.  

Another piece of news is that Cadet MSgt Menk has earned his cyber security badge.  He completed over 20 hours of hands-on cyber security training and participated in the tournament.  He also wrote an essay on the importance of cyber security in today’s world.  

-C/Capt. Evan Ekstrand

Updated: April 1, 2020 — 00:22